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Agency Head Shots

I decided I wanted to take my modeling hobby to the next level and try to make it a part of my career. My best friend and photographer, Tayla, Cloud10 Photography (@cloud10photography) took these pictures for me to send into a few agencies around North Carolina. It was a lot more nerve racking taking these pictures because I knew they decided if I would be accepted into an agency or not, it wasn't just for fun this time.

I picked out my favorite pictures from this set and I was a lot more critical of myself than normal because I knew they needed to be close to perfect. It was tough to realize I have a long ways to go before my pictures will ever be "perfect", but I could see an improvement from where I started until now. I sent my head shots to Marilyn's, 3BBM, and I will be sending one more to Directions. I have yet to hear back from any of the agencies, but I'm still holding out hope one will accept me! Everyone cross your fingers for me... and I'll keep you updated! :)

P.S. I'm a very bubbly, smiley person normally... but trying to take posed smiling pictures is a lot more awkward than I thought it would be. Definitely advice trying to catch those candid smiles next time.

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